I started the practise of mediation when I was 18 years old, and I never really stopped. Impressed by some sponetaneous peak-experiences I started to look for some teachers that could really teach me what meditation is all about. After a while, I found the right ones, who were not stuck in a particular tradition or school, but had a, lets say, more integral approach. In the years to follow I learned every meditation technique there is. I walked though some dark times, necessarily, but was lucky enough to experience deep depths and very high highs.
After a while, I noticed that I have a talent for meditation, exact the same way people have talents for tennis or playing the piano. Some things naturally occur, effortlessly, but also because I was easy to me to embrace the work-ethic that was necessary for this effortlessness to appear.
Through the years I found the practise of meditation increasingly vital for my intellectual life, as well as my mental and physical health. Rightly done it enables incredible insights into who you are, enables deeper realizations of purpose and sense, enables forms internal harmonisation and alignment (which in many cases made therapy obsolete for me), and, in two words, enabled deeper ways of being and becoming.
But even more than that, meditation is a journey to incrementally understand how psyche and consciousness ‘works’ and what happens within the 90%-realm of mental acitivity that normally is unconscious. But it´s also fun (abetter word would be: joy) to leave the realm of the egoic self and connect with, lets say, more fundamental levels of existance.
I teach meditation for over 15 years now, in various forms, and because of the pandemic, I, like so many others, started to embrace Zoom-Sessions. Of course the personal contact suffers a bit, but then again, without zoom it would be impossible to connect with the bloke in newsealand.
So, if you wanna have a informal talk about meditation-practise, contact me at