Bonnitta Roy (Consciousness - Health - Complexity) [engl.]


In this episode Bonnitta Roy and I are talking about what a post-postmodern consciousness could feel like. We are talking about developement and complexity, and how much the development of the souvereign self and psychological health is connected to a ‘second tier’ consciousness.

Bonnitta Roy lives on a small farm in rural Connecticut. She has been designing new structures for organizations that are ready to adapt to the changes inherent in our time. Drawing on a life of study and practice in solitude and community, Bonnitta carries a vision and presence that cultivates the best qualities in relating to each other. She’s an award-winning author, teacher, philosopher and insight guide, and a life coach who specializes in the challenges faced by individuals entering post-formal levels of consciousness.

Bonnitta is founder of Alderlore SOLE, a summer program for young adults based on principles of clarity, complexity thinking, awareness, and generative life practice. She is also curator of The Magellan Courses—a free online learning community centered around books that demonstrate post-dialectic reasoning and post-formal themes. Most recently, she has founded APP Associates International to develop practical applications, such as organizational templates, facilitation and assessment tools, analytic techniques and process methods, all based on participatory principles, to support the transition to new ways of organizational life.

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