Daimono-technique: What is the relation between genius and evolution?

Imagine being the first ape to hit a snake with a stick … or the first ape to wield a stick with fire. You transformed previous known behaviour in an unexpected way and set out new rules for dealing with predators/fire.

As a result, you were probably quite popular with the other sex, and climbed up the dominance hierarchy. But more than that, you contributed something new to the evolution of the emerging 'culture‘ and 'consciousness‘.

Obvioulsy, the same principles, which guided the biological und social evolution some 300 Million years ago (when the first dominance hierachies emerged) still guide our behaviour today. But that doesn´t mean that everytime when you a have a stroke of genius and find a solution for a problem or modified your behaviour, it will define the rules of culture as something new. The chances for that a pretty slim. But everytime you develop further, everytime you find a solution for a small or big problem, you do it in some creative or – at least for you – innovative fashion.


Daimono-technique is a evolutionary self-development method, which uses the exact same dynamics und principles that brought you to your current stage of development and this time and space of your life. Daimono-technique doesn´t rest on some half-backed concepts like ‚evolutionary impuls‘ or some group ideologies or some spiritual mumbo-jumbo (like „be here now!“), but employs the ways in which the consciousness actually works and develops - vertically and horizontically.

Therefore, Daimono-technique is a meta-practice, because the principles by which one consciouseness and psyche develops and by which another consciousness and psyche develops are the same. Moreover, these are the same principles which are guiding biological and social-cultural evolution. By implementing and using these rules, you are able to live up to your potencial.

The Daimon, by the way, ist the greek equivalent to the roman concept of the Genius, a mediator between god and man, who furnished the latter with talents and means to help him in his own development. It is Mu'aqqibat in the islamic tradition, or the guardian angel in christian tradition, or Arda Fravaš in Zoroastrianism. If we want to engange in some trans-personal enterprise, we have to acknowledge also the pre-rational and rational principles, which guidet our way up to this point.

Daimono-technique in one picture

So, as a quick illustration (in reality it´s a little more complex than that): Imagine you want to learn how to dance Bachata or Merenge. You verbalize internally or externaly your intention, you apply to some dance course. At first, you are full of motivation, and you start your first clases. You learn to reproduce certain things, like coming to the course every friday at 6; furthermore, you learn and reproduce the basic steps and movements of the dance. But then, it happens: Enter the Dragon of Chaos. Difficulties occur, some social, some psycological, you name it ... it may just be pain, like when you start to learn meditation. But you have to face that dragon in order to move on. There is information lying in the dirt, and, as Jung said, you will find the gold where you don´t want to look. And by doing this, you learn something about dancing and yourself. You move on, you differentiate you skills, change your diet, lose some old friends, find some new ones. But then, here it happens, that 'stroke of genius'. You transform your  behaviour in an unexpected way, and this is usually acompanied by flow or ectasy. (See the wings at the ankles of our hero in the picture?) The pain of sitting for hours in your meditative asana gets transformed into ecstasy. And you inhabit a new plateau of understanding. And the 'new information, that novelty, changes you and your thinking and your perception of yourself and the world in fundamental ways. Bam, you are the archetypal hero!

And since we are action-oriented beings - and we cannot NOT act in some manner (even in we practice stillness in meditation) - we can apply this scheme to all domains of life, even if we want to conscious develop a new stage of development. It is even true if you want to approach the girl or boy of your desire ... you also have to confront the dragon of chaos ( aka the fear of rejection) before you can be the archetypal hero, and that dragon is as powerful the higher your desire or attraction is.

We are beings operating on a autopoetic basis, which means that we are not only action-oriented, but that we creating our behaviour creativly in a selfreferential way (it is a term created by the evolutionary biologists and constructivists Maturana/Varela). By means of this mode of action and behaviour we are creating our being-in-the-world, our resolution of the world and our manner to deal in and with her.  So the question arises: In which direction should we steer our behaviour and our being-in-the-wolrd?

Daimono-technique starts when we aply this scheme above - that evolutionary dynamic or our consciousness - to all our life-practises or domains in life, may it be professional-jobwise, may it be in our relationships, may it be in regard of the techniques we are using to grow (like meditation). Therefore the first real goal of Daimono-technique is to create a internal unity where all our aspects and domains of life come together and are evolutionary aligned; when that happens, something 'clickes' in us, we suddenly feel at home in the universe, because for the first time we managed to navigate to bring all our previous stages of development into alignment.

Have you ever wondered ...

... why it is that some people are more successful than others, in the sense that they progress faster (for example in meditation)? It is because they apply - consciously or unconsciously - the rules and dynamics of the consciousness and the psyche to the consciousness and psyche itself; that it, they use, by one word or another, the Daimono-technique.

... why you (or somebody else) get stuck pursuing your goals? It´s because you fail to integrate and/or to utilize the very cognitive mechanisms, which brought you here in the first place; that is, you fail, by one word or another, to use Daimono-technique.

... whether it actually makes a difference which spiritual technique for growth you use ... or if the important thing is to apply - by one word or another - daimono-technique at all? In other words: It is better and creates more growth if you sweep the floor using Daimono-technique than to sit in meditation without using Daimono-technique.

Tom AmarqueComment